Time: 38 Minutes 23 Seconds
Distance: 4.14 Miles
Location: Clove Lakes Park
I lied. So much for that whole promise to go back to the 3x a week schedule... I hadn't completely taken into account the impending blizzard that would go on to white out the entire island. Needless to say, it's been over a week since I've run (bad). I really really will get back into the swing of things this week (Even though it's supposed to snow again tomorrow). I will figure something out, if I can't run outdoors without running in snow/slush/ice.
The slowdown in my training pace is starting to show. Even though CLP is far from flat ground, by my second mile I was already starting to feel winded (though that could have been attributed to the fact that my entire first mile was an uphill climb). However, the flat perfect ground of the track was obviously way too adaptable, so returning to the parks will be good for me. Once all the snow is gone, I may consider running through my neighborhood when/where traffic is light.
My head was out of sync as well, which I blame the cold for; and I'll be the first to admit, cold weather makes me lazy.
Post run: Normal sore/stiffness. Light knee ache, which wasn't as bad as my days on the track; which has also got me thinking that there is quite possibly a solid layer of concrete below which was causing all my knee damage to begin with. My next run shall take place on Wednesday (if the snow isn't too bad!). My Goal: Bring my distance back up to 6 in the park.
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